User: TomBradyGOAT

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User profile: TomBradyGOAT

User info
User name:TomBradyGOAT
Number of posts:13
Latest posts:

Need help troubleshooting 2D array
By the way, what does it mean when you say maxPeak = 0.0?

Need help troubleshooting 2D array
You're the best <3

Need help troubleshooting 2D array
Yep I somehow figured that one out by myself. What I am struggling with is outputting the maximum pe...

Need help troubleshooting 2D array
nvm, I just set x and y equal to 1 to negate the first row and first column and it worked

Need help troubleshooting 2D array
Ok so apparently the actual peaks are: [quote]Elevation 547.1 at point 3, 3 Elevation 548.9 at point...

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