User: Togfather

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User profile: Togfather

User info
User name:Togfather
Name:Tog Porter
Bio:I am 64 years old and have decided to learn something new. I have been designing websites for about 15 years and way back in 1985 wrote a game based on the TV countdown series for the commodore 64. I learned basic and hex machine code at that time and enjoyed it, so I thought I would try to add C++ to my arsenal of skills.

Initially writing for the Commodore was extremely slow as I was using a tape machine and any changes meant completely wiping and re-saving the complete programme onto tape with every change/ code fix. Then I invested in a floppy disc drive which made a big difference to my debugging and working speed.

I retire from working as a photographer in March next year and look forward to using my time learning C++
Number of posts:1
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Homework Help!!
For your own sake you should not be using this forum to check your answers. The purpose of you havin...

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