User: TheEliteOne

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User profile: TheEliteOne

User info
User name:TheEliteOne
Bio:Make PSP game hacks and program in C/C++ (Still Learning), also know some HTML and JavaScript. is a great site for PSP Hacks :P
Number of posts:16
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Printing Text
Sorry for being such a noob but can you guys explain further :P Like: "You'll need to link gdi32 ...

Printing Text
Thanks but I have some errors:

Tell me the output
I am sure you have this but you need to include the stdio header file, also you can declare both int...

The System Cannot Find...
Is it a pre-processor call line (With a #) such as an include statement? If so try adding or removin...

How to stop...
Switch statement: Also when you use an if, else if, or...

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