User: Thazager

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User profile: Thazager

User info
User name:Thazager
Number of posts:10
Latest posts:

Best way to read file
That might depend on the machine its going to run on. Many of the new ones can handle some large fil...

I fixed it just versing the order of the vertexes were drawn in. It looks like they tried to use the...

Best way to read file
If you need to search through it, reading each line can help find the text. If you have the space re...

A few questions about numeric data types
I'm getting errors for the line testVal += pow(10, i); I set val=10, and put in testVal += pow(val, ...

Please Please Help me - reading class member data into an array using a class member function
for the total_route_length() function: calculate the distance from x,y,z [location] to next x,y,z [l...

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