User: Th3Luk1z

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User profile: Th3Luk1z

User info
User name:Th3Luk1z
Number of posts:9
Latest posts:

C++ does not make an exe file
Tried turning of antivirus didin't help, tried saving .cpp file still nothing my whole pc is only in...

C++ does not make an exe file
Ok thanks for fixing the code but it still does not fix my other problem that It won't create the .e...

C++ does not make an exe file
ok so 9 13 14 25 33 number are those players who played in the first match 33 32 means 33 player pl...

C++ does not make an exe file
u1.txt file contains 8 ( this number indicates how many players) 9 5 7 -5 13 -4 11 ( 9 is players N...

C++ does not make an exe file
yea tried it already it shows nothing only the build log shows "Checking for existence: C:\Users\jus...

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