User profile: Tevsky

User info
User name:Tevsky
Joined:May 11, 2009 at 9:35pm
Number of posts:91
Latest posts:

Better way to combine strings than "+="?
Sure, just put it all on one line. [code] string output = "My name is " + name + " and this is "...

How do you do it?
Very odd code chris, a couple things about it. 1. atof is not standard C++, it's deprecated, it'...

incremental operation issues
Those are not identical operators. One is pre-increment (++x) and the other is post-increment (x++)...

Source code from my book not working
The compiler is pretty straight forward about what the problems are. If it says that there should b...

Adding a header file?
You are missing a semi colon at the end of your class [code] class Character { }; [/code] ...