User: Tentbob

  • Public profile

User profile: Tentbob

User info
User name:Tentbob
Location:My Bedroom
Bio:I am a solo C++ developer that is always learning. I'm 13 years old and have made around 20 games in other languages. I have yet to make a C++ game as I am still learning it. In C++ I have made a slope-intercept form calculator that takes in two points and some other math things for school.
Statistical data
Little Javascript
Little Java
Little BASIC
Number of posts:3
Latest posts:

Kaspersky detects my program as a virus?!
Every time I try to debug my program in Visual C++ 2010 Express I get a message from Kaspersky sayin...

Do not allow the user to type letters in the cin input
Thanks Guys!

Do not allow the user to type letters in the cin input
Hi, what code do you use to make it so the user is not physically able to type [b]letters[/b] in the...

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