User: TechNewbie0251

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User profile: TechNewbie0251

User info
User name:TechNewbie0251
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

String Extraction
I have been working on this now for two full weeks and am still unable to have my code do what I wan...

String parsing help
I've tried [code]cout << test << endl;[/code] and [code]cout << teamname << endl;[/code] and no matt...

String parsing help
FIXED - It runs into this error at line 30: "error: variable 'std::stringstream iss' has initializer...

Array: adding values into existing variable using loop
I think if you follow this link and spend 20 minutes or so studying it, you could figure it out. ht...

String parsing help
I have a text file that goes: "blah blah blah blah, TEAMNAME, blah blah blah blah blah..." I k...

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