User: Superman14

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User profile: Superman14

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User name:Superman14
Number of posts:7
Latest posts:

Binary Search issue Here it is. My linear search works fine with all of it is that is conf...

Binary Search issue
So my program is working how I want it to and all while using a linear search. But I'd like to use a...

Trouble reading in Chars, adding them together as a string with If Statements.
All of them really. Everytime I change a and b to strings so I can actually add them, the if stateme...

Trouble reading in Chars, adding them together as a string with If Statements.
Well my if statements have to be depended on what I'm reading in. I'm reading in puncts and digits a...

Trouble reading in Chars, adding them together as a string with If Statements.
Not necessarily. I'm reading in from a file one at a time using the peek function with b as peek and...

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