User: SunnyMcduff

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User profile: SunnyMcduff

User info
User name:SunnyMcduff
Number of posts:11
Latest posts:

Stumped (loops, if statements, arrays)
Are you familiar with arrays at all? This problem is easily solved with an array and a few other var...

Help with copying and sorting arrays.
Probably because you need a separate for loop for the data array, your variable i is greater than le...

Help with copying and sorting arrays.
I do see that your function definition of 'copy' has 3 parameters while the prototype only has 2. Ch...

Help with copying and sorting arrays.
What are you asking? What errors are you getting? Where is it going wrong?

Char Array Help
For some reason I was unable to use getline(cin, string word). and while the ignore function works,...

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