User profile: Stoneynine

User info
User name:Stoneynine
Number of posts:11
Latest posts:

Takes hours for program to run
Oh wow, I see now. Thanks for explaining it to me.

Random number generation - repetition problems
Hi zeberwood, you should really take into account what Gawaine said. Here's something better http:...

Takes hours for program to run
[b]Thanks[/b] MiiNiPaa and helios for your advice, it worked. [b]@helios[/b] I don't think I unders...

Takes hours for program to run
When I run the program it takes a few hours to print the screen. Can you help me figure out why i...

don't know what's wrong, compiles and runs but breaks
I'm trying to count a given text files words and letters, and sort the words alphabetically. It comp...