User profile: SpectresShadow

User info
User name:SpectresShadow
Name:Josh Rowe
Location:Waupaca, WI
Bio:I am just starting college at fox valley tech and enjoying it so far. I have some prior experience in vb and c++ from high school.
Number of posts:4
Latest posts:

cin.getline help!
cdeblast, your major prob is that you are trying to use both cin and cin.getline(). You can only use...

trying to use for loop to check if numeric or not
Thank you both andywestken and binarybob350, that helped immensely. You are right andywestken, it do...

trying to use for loop to check if numeric or not
I am currently working on a project where the user is to enter how many employees, the employee ID n...

Structures problem
because holder is the user's input that you want to use to change array[m].[i]whatever[/i] you shoul...