User: SmokeyBear

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User profile: SmokeyBear

User info
User name:SmokeyBear
Number of posts:7
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Project to calculate money and time to spend all of it.
[code] struct ForceCommas : std::numpunct<char> { char do_thousands_sep() const { return ','; } ...

Project to calculate money and time to spend all of it.
Thank you guys very much you all were a big help! I really need to work on my loops and decimal for...

Project to calculate money and time to spend all of it.
[code] #include iostream #include math.h #include limits.h using namespace std; int main() { long ...

Project to calculate money and time to spend all of it.
Yes @Thomas1965 exactly. I tried my best to clean it up. Although its not perfect I hope you can s...

Project to calculate money and time to spend all of it.
Something like this? [code] while (money > 9223372036854775807 || money <= 0) { cout << "\nInv...

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