User: Skylar

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User profile: Skylar

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User name:Skylar
Number of posts:19
Latest posts:

Project Question-Code and Error Check
Ok i think i am starting to understand now. I always over complicate things. I was thinking that whi...

Project Question-Code and Error Check
I think this is why from my understanding was that with arrays when doing 2 dimensional is that say ...

Project Question-Code and Error Check
Ok yeah, im stuck on this, any help would be nice haha. Im wondering would have to rewrite my code a...

Project Question-Code and Error Check
Alright last bit how would I go about calculating the average? would I need to add another thing the...

Project Question-Code and Error Check
Oh I also want to say thank you so much for taking your time out to help me. My teacher wasn't reall...

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