User: Sky Gio

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User profile: Sky Gio

User info
User name:Sky Gio
Number of posts:10
Latest posts:

HELP I got tired of fixing it.. T_T
If I do that the my invalid output won't be shown if I type any number except number 5 and my invali...

HELP I got tired of fixing it.. T_T
And one other thing when i try to run the program it has 1 error and that is the [code]else;[/code]...

HELP I got tired of fixing it.. T_T
the problem here is that the invalid output are not working properly as I want it suppose to be inva...

HELP I got tired of fixing it.. T_T
[code]#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> main() { clrscr(); int number; char re; co...

My do-while loop won't terminate the command why?[HELP]
skylinerR390: as for as the others I don't know in 2.)I tried to ru...

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