User: Serverkrash

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User profile: Serverkrash

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User name:Serverkrash
Number of posts:5
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Is c++ primer fifth edition still relevant?
[i]"Effective C++ (Scott Meyers) This was written with the aim of being the best second book C++ pro...

Is c++ primer fifth edition still relevant?
Are there other books you would suggest? The "good enough" portion of your post makes me feel uneasy...

Is c++ primer fifth edition still relevant?
In your opinion, should I still learn from C++ Primer or is there some other book that would be bett...

Is c++ primer fifth edition still relevant?
So C++17 won't be a major change? Also, was C++11 a major change when compared to the version preced...

Is c++ primer fifth edition still relevant?
I'd like to learn c++ and I've seen a lot of recommendations for this book. However, I noticed that ...

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