User: Scubatoad

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User profile: Scubatoad

User info
User name:Scubatoad
Number of posts:24
Latest posts:

Cannot Understand Compile error
I figured it out. You can only innitialize variables globaly, you cannot modify them globally.

Cannot Understand Compile error
[code]SOCKET s; bool ConnectToHost(int PortNo, char* IPAddress); void CloseConnection(); char ip...

Displaying a score using TextOut()
That fixed it and it does work as intended. However, I am curious as what a TCHAR is and why the ar...

Displaying a score using TextOut()
Ok, I have no idea what TCHAR is, but it seemed to get rid of those earlier compiler errors. Howeve...

Displaying a score using TextOut()
Ok, I have taken a year of Computer Science at a University. However, we did not have time for grap...

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