User: Ryan Jantz

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User profile: Ryan Jantz

User info
User name:Ryan Jantz
Number of posts:7
Latest posts:

Member function not declared
@Volatile Pulse, Your idea about looking in the header was correct. I added [code]BOOL OnCopyData...

Member function not declared
I thought that OnCopyData was part of the MFC initial setup. Intellesense provided that function whe...

Member function not declared
Here is the whole cpp file. I am brand new to MFC and do not know where I should be looking. [code]...

Member function not declared
What is missing in this code? I get a C2509 compile time error saying:" 'OnCopyData': member fun...

Raise event error
Here is the full error: 1>c:\users\office\documents\visual studio 2008\projects\presetter\presetter...

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