User: Rodrigo Sieja

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User profile: Rodrigo Sieja

User info
User name:Rodrigo Sieja
Number of posts:6
Latest posts:

Give selling total for each month then display months with highest and lowest values.
Achei um erro no código para o programa desse tópico, na linha 5: "lista2-ex3-v2.cpp:10:60: warnin...

Give selling total for each month then display months with highest and lowest values.
Is there a way of doing this program without using lots of nested if's? I wrote the following, tr...

"Voting machine" in C++ using Geany [Linux]
I'll study [b]for[/b] loops more and modify the code. Thanks a lot!

"Voting machine" in C++ using Geany [Linux]
Program the loop to stop after X inputs.

"Voting machine" in C++ using Geany [Linux]
It stops when I type zero. How could I make it "automatic"? After a pre-determined number of inputs...

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