User: Rbuen4455

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User profile: Rbuen4455

User info
User name:Rbuen4455
Joined:Feb 7, 2019 at 10:26pm
Number of posts:20
Latest posts:

gtkmm ToggleButton help
I am following a beginner tutorial on gtkmm, and the online tutorial doesn't really explain things ...

Substitute for C++ for AAA video gaming?
All of the above, regarding the history of video gaming and the use of assembly compered to C, all c...

Substitute for C++ for AAA video gaming?
In response to devilorcdev... The vast majority of game engines nowadays are written in C++ with hig...

Substitute for C++ for AAA video gaming?
Late comment, just saw the posts, but... [quote]If a programmer chooses to use higher level techniq...

Substitute for C++ for AAA video gaming?
[quote] but "unsafe" C# code doesn't have the same low level access as C++, it is merely somewhat cl...

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