User: Ravskie

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User profile: Ravskie

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User name:Ravskie
Number of posts:27
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Running a loop while drawing text using pointers. [DirectX]
Hey guys, Got a problem here with DirectX, basically the game runs the main loop, processing netw...

C++ I got stuck with 2 errors
Cardgame.h: [code] #pragma once #ifndef CARDGAME_H #define CARDGAME_H using namespace std...

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RakNet also has the kind of function you're looking for.

Serious problem, 2 days still cannot figure it out
I actually managed to set the game buttons text successfully using my code with a few hefty modifica...

Im noob in API, can u show me....
lol guys ... he thinks he's pro using [code] cout << [/code] to give comebacks. You can also get ...

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