User profile: Random Noob

User info
User name:Random Noob
Bio:Just starting programing. I work with a lot of Cisco networking devices.
Number of posts:21
Latest posts:

Data Integrity
See, that was my mistake too. I didn't know to put the std::cin in paranthesis. Now, it's close. ...

Data Integrity
Nope, sorry. Still got the wall of text. I've mostly given up on doing it that way. I can still d...

Data Integrity
Okay, new question. Is it practical to have all entries be stings, test them with isdigit or isalpa...

Data Integrity
Alright, the while loop seems to be working backwards. I wrote it like: [code] int main() { i...

Data Integrity
@Galik I don't know what was happening before, but suddenly now your code is working. I probably...