User: Rakefet Zdybel

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User profile: Rakefet Zdybel

User info
User name:Rakefet Zdybel
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

ListBox is cropped by other controls
Oh, from debugging I see that the Subject EditBox handler gets a WM_PAINT message [b]after[/b] the L...

ListBox is cropped by other controls
Yes, both of these work (I was using the disable EditBox one). [code]ShowWindow(m_hSubject,SW_HID...

ListBox is cropped by other controls
Thanks very much Lamblion and webJose for responding. m_hAddressList is the window handle of the Lis...

ListBox is cropped by other controls
Hi, The h_addressList is a handle to my ListBox. This is how I create my listbox: [code]m_hAd...

ListBox is cropped by other controls
Hi, I am writing a straight win32 api app. I have a GUI with several controls: EditBox; Button; and...

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