User: Raistlin121

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User profile: Raistlin121

User info
User name:Raistlin121
Name:Sam Humphriss
Number of posts:17
Latest posts:

Iterating through a multidimensional array
Ahh... Stupid mistake there on my part :) Thanks for the help.

Iterating through a multidimensional array
I'm working on a program that will include a very basic "map editor" of a sorts. (The "map" is actua...

Understanding 2D arrays of ints
Ah thanks a lot! :) So it was just an off by one error on my part I couldn't spot! Those things are ...

Understanding 2D arrays of ints
I have a program that requires a 2D array of ints to create a grid to be used for AI pathing. Howeve...

Preventing a user from entering too large an integer
Thanks for the help :) That's really cleared some of my questions up!

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