User: Raigeki

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User profile: Raigeki

User info
User name:Raigeki
Number of posts:7
Latest posts:

Header files in projects
So every time I want to use certain header files in a project, I have to add them to that particular...

can't get only one statement to appear
Here's what I wanted the program to do: 1. User inputs two integars 2. Program forces smaller integ...

can't get only one statement to appear
Thanks, I finally got the program to do what I wanted! Question, can this code be any more efficien...

can't get only one statement to appear
I did this: [code] #include<iostream> int main() { std::cout << "Enter two numbers: "; std...

can't get only one statement to appear
I can't seem to make it so only one of the two statement appear. In this program, when a user en...

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