User: Rabtherab

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User profile: Rabtherab

User info
User name:Rabtherab
Number of posts:19
Latest posts:

Operator speeds
[quote]which is faster, addition or subtraction (particularly with the ++ and -- operators)?[/quote]...

y/n interface
[quote]A == 1; // read this as ' IS A equal to 1'. Returns FALS [/quote] I would actually read: ...

Using extended ASCII in C++.
I still don't understand what the goal of defining sigma to an integer value might be. I would th...

FAT file system
Well, what environment are you working in? Do you have any code started? How much of the FAT speci...

Using extended ASCII in C++.
This: [quote]But, since interpreters and compilers are too complicated for me right now[/quote] An...

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