User: RPGillespie

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User profile: RPGillespie

User info
User name:RPGillespie
Number of posts:17
Latest posts:

Printing Array of Pointers
ausairman, Kainunno said "Parties is an array of pointers, containing names." Which means that he ...

Here's a good place to start: [code] for (int i=0; i<5; i++) { cout << i << endl; } [/code] T...

Printing Array of Pointers
[code] for (int j = 0; j < PlaneAlfa.NumPartiesOnPlane; j++) { cout << (*PlaneAlfa.Parties[j])....

bitwise mov
[code] int byte = 0xAB; vector <bool> bits; //reads all bits for (int i=0; i<8; i++) bits.push_back...

bitwise mov
Ok, so say you have: [code] int byte = 0xABCD; [/code] Tell me what you want to do with it, and I'...

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