User: Qikee

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User profile: Qikee

User info
User name:Qikee
Number of posts:8
Latest posts:

help what to do with std::map , std::isalnum
Thank you very much Andy , you are a very great person

How to read from file (const problem)
Thank you very much !

How to read from file (const problem)
Hello. today I tried using std::map and std::isalnum and I ran into a problem where I do not know ho...

help what to do with std::map , std::isalnum
And a question why do you not recommend using namespace std;? And how can I input from file using sc...

help what to do with std::map , std::isalnum
The program was made by me and the help of my teacher. I asked the internet about it and some gave m...

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