User: PseudoCode

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User profile: PseudoCode

User info
User name:PseudoCode
Number of posts:16
Latest posts:

Debugging Graphical Output
Is there a way to do step-by-step debugging of graphical output to a window? For instance, if I h...

Determining if a window as been closed
I'm having trouble determining if a window has been closed (by the user pressing the "x" button) bas...

Can't catch WM_DESTROY without DispatchMessage
How do you Catch the "WM_DESTROY" message from a user closing a window, without using DispatchMessag...

Memory mapped graphics
To me it would seem that there must be a way to write directly to whatever video buffer you're writi...

Memory mapped graphics
Ok, here's a simpler question that would be just ase usefull: How do I DIRECTY interface a Device...

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