User profile: PocketTNT

User info
User name:PocketTNT
Number of posts:13
Latest posts:

Swapping between two textures on a sprite sheet(OpenGL)
I'm working on a project where I want to swap between two textures on a sprite sheet using OpenGL. ...

Sound library and tutorials?
I know it's been awhile since I last posted on here but I have another question. Could someone te...

defining #GLEW_STATIC allows program to build but stops responding
Edited last post for new error

defining #GLEW_STATIC allows program to build but stops responding
I'm learning OpenGL now and I'm trying to run some of the source code that it comes with. So I set u...

Free OpenGL lessons?
Does anyone know where I can find some OpenGL lessons for free? I need it to be possible to do it...