User: PeterA

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User profile: PeterA

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User name:PeterA
Number of posts:12
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Please Help with "invalid initialization of reference of type"
@ne555: Today I used [code]Array<T> Array<T>::operator*(const Array<T>&) const[/code] and it works l...

Please Help with "invalid initialization of reference of type"
@cire: i think it should return a reference to an object of type const ArrayT<T>. But again, I am no...

Please Help with "invalid initialization of reference of type"
well if I don't include all of the operator * overloading for the const and non const version, it wo...

Please Help with "invalid initialization of reference of type"
@ne555: Yes, for the [code]const ArrayT<T>& ArrayT<T>::operator*(ArrayT<T>& b) const[/code] will b...

Please Help with "invalid initialization of reference of type"
@cire : Nothing in the code is operator+= @ne555: Thanks a lot, however why don't it calls the foll...

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