User: Paul50002

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User profile: Paul50002

User info
User name:Paul50002
Name:Paul D
Bio:Just a dude working in IT.
Joined:Feb 7, 2022 at 3:15am
Number of posts:11
Latest posts:

how to get a file line to do more than just print?
yeah the assignment is dealing with functions, been having problems getting them to work. this is w...

how to get a file line to do more than just print?
cool thanks for this.

how to get a file line to do more than just print?
I haven't been doing any plagiarism , just using a pin name to hide my privacy lol. But I do thank y...

how to get a file line to do more than just print?
hello, how can you get a text file with data like this do more than just print out a line. [text...

Help with this program.
Lol I am Rodger Coleman. It's a made up name trying to stay Anonymous. But yes I do appreciate the ...

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