User: Osaid

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User profile: Osaid

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User name:Osaid
Number of posts:5
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Pointers with 2d arrays ......
void row_sum(int q[3][3]) { int n[3] ; for (int l=0 ; l<=2 ; l++) n[l]= q[l][0] + q[l][...

Pointers with 2d arrays ......
void modify(int p[3][3]){ for(int a=0 ; a<=2 ; a++) for(int b=0 ; b<=2 ; b++) ...

Pointers with 2d arrays ......
#include<iostream.h> #include<time.h> #include<stdlib.h> main () {int m[3][3]; srand(time(0)) ; f...

Pointers with 2d arrays ......
Thats the problem . Our teacher didnt teach us how to swap 2d arrays to a function . So i googled it...

Pointers with 2d arrays ...... Comeplete program for the pic please

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