User: Orinoco

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User profile: Orinoco

User info
User name:Orinoco
Joined:Jan 29, 2010 at 8:18am
Number of posts:6
Latest posts:

Nameless Union+Struct grants Friends access to Private BaseClass Members?
Right, because MOO is PRIVATE to CBase right, it would have had access had it been declared PUBLIC o...

Uhm, wait hold on, forget about pointers for a second. :) First of all I think I see what the pro...

Nameless Union+Struct grants Friends access to Private BaseClass Members?
I am aware of this, please take a moment to just take a look at what I'm actually asking here in bot...

Nameless Union+Struct grants Friends access to Private BaseClass Members?
I gues I'm missing something in 'that's how anonymous unions work'... Keep in mind my issue is with...

Hey butterflyze, Output such as '-858933460' generally implies an uninitialised variable. You ar...

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