User profile: Nullable

User info
User name:Nullable
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

Issue with fgetc handling CR + LF
[code]#include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std;[/code] You're missing those.

How to list windows into array?

using fstream with 'binary' flag, same results as w/o 'binary' flag
[s]Okay, I ran a test run for my stream writing class and it looks like it stores values backwards, ...

using fstream with 'binary' flag, same results as w/o 'binary' flag
Thanks for the reading material, so basically doing it anyway(binary or text) won't matter much(cons...

using fstream with 'binary' flag, same results as w/o 'binary' flag
Hello, I hope this is in the right section, anyhow i was trying to write a program that acts more of...