User profile: NiNjAassasin545

User info
User name:NiNjAassasin545
Name:Dillon Dozier
Location:Placerville CA
Bio:I live on a farm in a pretty small town called Placerville. some day i want to make my own computer company with my friend. im trying to learn how to program so i could get a better start on making my company. my parents don't have much money and sometimes i have to spend some of my money on food. i can build a computer EASILY now i just have to learn how to program. i want to make an OS so im going to learn c and C++ first. when i am around 20 i will probably learn more. i got a book that should teach me a lot of c++ called "Sam's teach yourself c++ in and hour a day". the first day i got this book i read 150 pages and am starting to understand how everything works.
if you have any advice for me to make a program or money please tell me. i want to try and make a program that a lot of people would buy so i could help my family out, but its kinda hard. still i dont have any doubts, i just need to keep studying and getting GREAT advice from people on
Number of posts:10
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please help again...
Thanks again AWH. its like something just clicked in my head. now i understand SO MUCH MORE. i think...

please help again...
thanks for being so helpful everytime i have a questions guys. i love this site. is minix 3 writt...

please help me understand this...
k i understand know thanks a lot AWH and Athar

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