User: NeoGeoEch13

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User profile: NeoGeoEch13

User info
User name:NeoGeoEch13
Number of posts:11
Latest posts:

Pass char* to be initialized in function
First of all, thanks for the help guys. Im aware of the memory leak above just making a quick exa...

Pass char* to be initialized in function
Hi,I am trying to pass char* buf to the function writeToBuffer, where I want it to be initialized. ...

MFC graphics with CDC, CBitmap, OnPaint
Thanks for the reply! I got it working don't remember exactly how. I think I was okish, just forg...

MFC graphics with CDC, CBitmap, OnPaint
Hello, I am using MFC and have a class MainPanel :public CFrameWnd. What I am trying to do is...

Opening in ios::binary with [code]fileData = new char[fileLength+1]; fileData[fileLength] = ...

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