User: Neb1000

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User profile: Neb1000

User info
User name:Neb1000
Number of posts:48
Latest posts:

Quick question about pointers.
Ah I see, thanks.

Quick question about pointers.
Okay that makes sense but it still crashes at [code]*matrix = new int[5];[/code] It says "Access vi...

Quick question about pointers.
I have [code]int** matrix[/code] and I want to set each element to zero, how would I go about doi...

Why does this not work?
Okay I got the copy constructor to work, all I had to do was remove this -_- [code]Node* tail = head...

Why does this not work?
.cpp [code]#include "Deque.h" #include <iostream> #include <new> #include <cstdlib> using namespace...

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