User: Nausea

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User profile: Nausea

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User name:Nausea
Number of posts:27
Latest posts:

SDL: Checking how hard a key was pressed?
Is there a way to check how hard a key was pressed? For example if you want a player to be able to...

Passing pointer, getting wrong addres, how is this possible?
Ok I will show you the important parts of the classes then: [code]class C_Entity { public: ...

Passing pointer, getting wrong addres, how is this possible?
I can set parent.X to any number before calling shadeptr->onload. then parentptr->X shows 0 inside o...

Passing pointer, getting wrong addres, how is this possible?
I´m trying to give the C_PlayerShade objects X variable (float) the value of the players X variable...

Passing pointer, getting wrong addres, how is this possible?
Okej, giving you an example: C_Application.h [code] class C_Application : public C_Event { ...

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