User profile: MrNewbie

User info
User name:MrNewbie
Number of posts:10
Latest posts:

const char** is incompatible with parameter of type const char*
Hi, I was working at making a really basic game of cards but when i call the function couple(face) ...

Unhandled exception in 0x00673CF9 in es7_24.exe: The cookie stack instrumentation code detected a stack-based buffer overrun
Hi, I'm creating a code to simulate if the horse(chess) can make a tour of the board 8*8, the progra...

my rand() works only if i use a cout
Thanks now it works I hadn't really considered the time(0);

my rand() works only if i use a cout
Hi, i'm doing a function to "flip a coin" and every time i try to start the program it works fine o...

expected unqualified-id before '{' token
yo i installed visual studio and it works. Thank you very much for your help. (after all the time i ...