User: Moosey

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User profile: Moosey

User info
User name:Moosey
Number of posts:6
Latest posts:

Saving the 'State' of a Console Program?
I am actually probably going to focus it similarly to one of those 'choose your own adventure' books...

Saving the 'State' of a Console Program?
I have searched the forums and google but have come up empty. Basically what I need to do is when...

Coloring the Console Text
[quote]There's a time and place for everything, anyways I ran your code and it worked so it might be...

Coloring the Console Text
[quote]That's no excuse for using the function in global namespace, that function is probably being ...

Coloring the Console Text
[quote]Maybe google GetStdHandle and SetConsoleTextAttribute instead of asking someone to do it for ...

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