User: MikeyMac

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User profile: MikeyMac

User info
User name:MikeyMac
Number of posts:4
Latest posts:

The errors?
Tried running this below..It compiles but I don't understand errors around lines 45-47 #include <...

How do I insert the structs?
I have to put this into a struct and I'm confused on what to do. This is my code so far... #inclu...

Finding Average. Trying to find the average of the numbers in string below. This is what I have so far
I just wanted to know if it looked right. Also i don't know what code tags are

Finding Average. Trying to find the average of the numbers in string below. This is what I have so far
# include<iostream> # include<fstream> # include<string> # include<iomanip> using namespac...

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