User: Menne31

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User profile: Menne31

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User name:Menne31
Number of posts:10
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Function Problems
Maybe I missed it but it appears as if you have not assigned a value to PR. Then you try to use it ...

[code] //void stars(int response) //{ //for( response =0; response > 0; response--) // cout first l...

Question about my beginner code.
this is what I have but I am getting errors at the end. What exactly does "do" do? I've only read ab...

Question about my beginner code.
I do have one more question. How would I put a loop in this program that would keep restarting it o...

Question about my beginner code.
Ah lol thank you so much. Noob mistake lol. Quick response is greatly appreciated thank you sir =]

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