User profile: MegzSteele619

User info
User name:MegzSteele619
Name:Megan Steele
Location:San Diego, CA
Bio:I am a dancer by occupation but really a geek-wanna-be by heart! I picked up on computers a lil over a year ago and find that I have a certain knack for them. I recently purchased an E-Book on C++ and am in the process of learning C++. I signed up to this forum because I don't know anyone who can help me when I get stuck on a particular issue.
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

i am having a lil bit of a hard time writing a program for a small calculator that takes as input on...

chosing which variable to use in writing programs
i give up just tell me I've been working on this all night & from what I've learned so far int is th...

chosing which variable to use in writing programs
that gave me a "redeclaration of total" error message i already declared that variable & the program...

chosing which variable to use in writing programs
so I put int in front of total = thisisanumber....?

chosing which variable to use in writing programs
I'm supposed to write a program that performs division of two numbers read from the user & prints ou...