User: MediumSizedFoot

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User profile: MediumSizedFoot

User info
User name:MediumSizedFoot
Number of posts:13
Latest posts:

Having truoble with derived classed
I've been trying to understand this project for a while now, but keep running into road blocks. Now ...

Comparing values in const list with values in a vector to find matches
I've gotten the program working as expected now just using a nested loop. @Jonnin, so what you're s...

Comparing values in const list with values in a vector to find matches
I must be missing something with functions. I took out the function and the call and got rid of the ...

Comparing values in const list with values in a vector to find matches
Since I posted this I've tried to dumb it donw just using an ij nested loop. here's what I've got so...

Comparing values in const list with values in a vector to find matches
I didn't think I'd run into any problems with this, but.. I'm given a unsigned const int list with ...

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