User: Mctittles

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User profile: Mctittles

User info
User name:Mctittles
Number of posts:4
Latest posts:

Message when windows is done disabling Aero (fullscreen app)
Hello. I have an opengl app that goes into fullscreen on boot. After WM_PAINT is called I animated...

Best way to create image effects (bevel etc)
Thanks. I spent a couple weeks learning openGL only to find it is overkill for the job I am trying t...

Best way to create image effects (bevel etc)
Wow. Ok a little background on myself might be in order, as I know this is easily possible. I'm no...

Best way to create image effects (bevel etc)
Hello, I'm new to c++ programming but have read a few books on the subject and am starting to get co...

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