User: McLemore

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User profile: McLemore

User info
User name:McLemore
Name:Jacob McLemore
Location:Knoxville, TN
Number of posts:7
Latest posts:

Mirroring a Vector of Vectors
Oh yes. Sorry about that.

Mirroring a Vector of Vectors
@dragonStarN The new result would be: <255,255,255> <0,0,0> < 33, 33, 33> <111,111,111> < 43, 43, ...

Mirroring a Vector of Vectors
Hi all. I've been tasked with reading and modifying a PPM file. The problem I've run into is being a...

Cola Machine
Use else if {} that should fix it from what I see.

Code Review of Hangman Game
Oh, thank you. That cleared up the code a lot. As for the type identifier, Google's C++ Style Guide ...

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