User: Marcofon

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User profile: Marcofon

User info
User name:Marcofon
Number of posts:4
Latest posts:

I have some problems with a program that have to print data on a text file
UPDATE: I solved the problem! The program didn't enter in the second if of the process_message funct...

I have some problems with a program that have to print data on a text file
This is the code of the publisher, and it works: [code] #include "ros/ros.h" #include "std_msgs/Stri...

I have some problems with a program that have to print data on a text file
This is the code for the subscriber, in which i have my problems: [code] #include "ros/ros.h" #inc...

I have some problems with a program that have to print data on a text file
I'm sorry if this question is too simple for you, but i don't have good programming skills and ROS k...

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