User: Mahirihan

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User profile: Mahirihan

User info
User name:Mahirihan
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

Wifstream reading UTF-16 files
I'm sorry, I can see that I was not very clear in my last post. The code is printing the file with...

Wifstream reading UTF-16 files
Found fgetws() function that allows me to read one line into a wchar_t array, then I can just append...

Wifstream reading UTF-16 files
If I use functions like _wopen or _wsopen_s to open in _O_U16TEXT mode, is there an easy way to have...

Wifstream reading UTF-16 files
Hi, Thanks for your reply. If I try to simply add ios::binary to wifstream in the original code t...

Wifstream reading UTF-16 files
Hello, I have created a small function that print a file. It looks like this: [code]void Print...

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