User: MJDB

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User profile: MJDB

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User name:MJDB
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

passing vector in multi threaded application
I declared Vector as vector<int>: [code] typedef vector<int> Vector; [/code] Then I just us...

passing vector in multi threaded application
I am using VC++. It tells me that: "v2 is undefined". Is it possible that the problem exist when ...

passing vector in multi threaded application
I have tried casting it as well... [code] hThread = (HANDLE) _beginthreadex(NULL, 0, iterative_m...

passing vector in multi threaded application
Hello there I am having difficulties figuring out how to pass a vector from a thread to the threa...

comparing vectors (vector out of range)
Hello there I have been running to this problem over and over and don't seem to find what should ...

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